Growatt APX Battery Base | Alternergy

Growatt APX Battery Base

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Growatt APX Battery Support Frame | Alternergy

Growatt APX Battery Support Frame

Growatt APX Battery Base

Product Code:
APX Battery Base
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Growatt | Alternergy

Growatt APX Battery Base

The Growatt APX Battery Base is suitable for floor installation of Growatt APX battery sytems. 

Due to the weight of the systems, it is advised to place the batteries on top of this base if more than 4 batteries are needed.

Growatt also recommends, for safety, that if the number of battery is between 6-10, they should be stacked in two clusters - 2 bases should be used. Please refer to the installaiton manuals for more information.

More Information
Brand Growatt
Accessory By Type Battery Accessories, Battery Bases & Support Frames
Product Weight (Kg) 5.5

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